Spring - Monday Nights - Burnet Park

If you'd like to hold a private discussion among your team, visit your team forum.

Please post respectfully.


That was meant for the monstars of the intermediate league. Sorry dont know if im even posting this to the right place.


Hi i'm J.D. I'm the captain of (Rich's) Balls Deep. In the rec. League same night as you guys play. At burnet. My team is thinking about moving up to the intermediate league next season. I was wondering if your team would be willing to scrimmage us on the bye week? (2 mondays away) just so we can see if we are ready to move up? If you are at all interested please get back to me on this forum (i'll check in) or stop in to richs deli on Milton ave. Thanks.


I guess our color is yellow. Does everyone think we should meet before our first game to pay Andrew and decide on if we are getting shirts?

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Liverpool, NY 13088

(315) 447-5686