Sunday Basketball Games Postponed Due to Winter Weather

Due to the severe winter weather conditions, all Sunday basketball games scheduled for Sunday January 5th have been postponed to ensure the safety of our players, staff, and spectators.

We will provide an updated schedule as soon as possible. Please stay tuned to our website and social media channels for further updates.

Thank you for your understanding, and stay safe out there!

— The Syracuse Sports Association Team

Slip & Slide Kickball Tournament

  • Sport: Kickball
  • Format: Double Elimination.
  • Locations: Syracuse Kickball Park
  • Days of the week: Sunday
  • Started on : Started on Sunday, August 21
  • Dates: 8.21
  • Times: 12:00 PM, 12:30 PM, 1:00 PM

Signup Deadline: Wednesday, August 17

Teams consist of 6 players 3 males 3 females. Subs can only be used in case of injury.

All teams are guaranteed at least 2 games.

Winning team will receive $300.00 Cash! 2nd place teams will receive a $100.00 gift card for Sharkey's!

All players will receive a pair of sunglasses that is there team color.

Colors available:

Colors are first come first serve. SIGN up NOW!

No Clothing with Zippers, buttons or any sharp objects will be allowed.

6 players per team. 3 males 3 females. Subs can only be used in the case of injury. 20.00 per player.

Game Duration:
Games last 5 innings. Or 35 minutes. Tied games will continue until there is a winner. Home team always kicks last.

Triple Elimination

The ball must be rolled in, no bouncing balls. The pitcher has to stay in the pitching circle until the ball is kicked. The strike zone is extended 1 foot on both sides of home plate.

The ball must be kicked with the foot or leg. NO BUNTING.

Strikes: 3 strikes in an out.
A pitch in the strike zone that isn’t kicked. An attempt and miss. A foul ball.
Kicker is awarded 1st base after 3 balls. Encroachment by a fielder will be called a ball.

Foul Balls:
Any ball that lands beyond the base paths. The entire base path is live.

A fielder catches the pop fly. 3 strikes, 3 fouls. A runner gets hit with a ball while they are off the base. (2 feet in the pool is safe) fielder steps on a base with the ball on a force play. (dive in must keep possession)

Runners must stay on the slide, stepping off is an out. Fielders must stay off the slide unless they are making a play. No leading, no stealing. Runners must have both feet in the pool and leave when the ball is kicked. There are no overthrows. They play remains live until the pitcher has the ball and the umpire calls time. ALL runners MUST slide into 3rd base.

    • Level: Recreational
    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: 18 to 100
    • Team
      • Status: Closed
      • Cost:
      • Team

      (Fee is per player)

    • Individual
Syracuse Sports Association
Liverpool, NY 13088

(315) 447-5686